Spatial-temporal variation of the avifauna in the Prado dam (Tolima)
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birds; reservoir; season; composition

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Villabon, C. ., & Losada-Prado, S. (2019). Spatial-temporal variation of the avifauna in the Prado dam (Tolima). Intropica, 14(2), 95–103. Retrieved from


The department of Tolima presents lentic ecosystems of great importance, among them the Prado reservoir, about which clear information on its avifauna is not available. The objective of this study was to estimate the abundance and richness of the bird community present in the Prado reservoir and its spatio-temporal variation. The samplings were conducted since August to November 2017 in the localities of Tomogó, Corinto, Aco-Cayman, Isla del Sol and Yucupi, using random linear sightings on the water mirror and transects in the shore vegetation, taking into account the climatic season. A sampling effort of 87.5% was reached, according to abundance-based coverage estimator (ACE), recording a total of 81 species, where the Tyrannidae family presented the greatest richness. At the temporal level, the highest effective number of species occurred in November (59 species), the greatest diversity was in October (28 species) and the dominance of species was similar between seasons (1.05 to 1.27 species, according to the locality). The highest effective number of species was recorded in Aco-Caiman (53 species), the greatest diversity in Corinto (29 species) and the dominance was similar among the localities, with values between 1.23 and 1.05. According to the plant cover, the highest effective number of species occurred in the riparian forest (43 species), the greatest diversity was in shrubs and bushes (25 species) and dominance was similar in all coverages, with values between 1.06 and 1.26. According to the ANOSIM analisys, there were no significant differences in the bird community, neither between localities (P = 0.71) nor between coverings (p = 0.16).  The results obtained in this study suggest that temporality and spatiality do not affect the number of species and the number of individuals within the reservoir, possibly due to the homogeneity of this lacustrine system.
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