Describing a nesting event of great horned owl (Bubo virginianus nacurutu Vieillot, 1817) and mottled owl (Ciccaba virgata virgata Cassin, 1849) in Huila, Colombia
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Breeding behavior

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Padilla, O. (2019). Describing a nesting event of great horned owl (Bubo virginianus nacurutu Vieillot, 1817) and mottled owl (Ciccaba virgata virgata Cassin, 1849) in Huila, Colombia. Intropica, 14(1), 8–15. Retrieved from


This study record by first time in Colombia event nesting of the owls Bubo virginianus nacurutu y Ciccaba virgata virgata in Department of Huila.  For thoses species are describe periods of nesting, incubation and permanence in the nest.  The results proved that B. virginianus nacurutu had a time incubation of 33 days, while C. virgata virgata showed a period of 30 days. Regarding the permanence on the nest is observed that departure C. virgate virgata occurred at 50 days from eclosion and B. virginianus nacurutu at 39-43 days from the hatching. The nesting season in both species comprised the months of July and November of 2016 developing 3 to 4 months later than registerd in other studies America.
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