Efficiency and selectivity of bait and hooks in the use of the longline the catch of tornyhead long spine (Sebastolobus altivelis) in deep waters of BAJA California, Mexico
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efficiency, selectivity, hook, bait, longline, Sebastolobus altivelis

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Flores Olivares, J., Vázquez Olivares, A. E., & Murillo Olmeda, A. (2018). Efficiency and selectivity of bait and hooks in the use of the longline the catch of tornyhead long spine (Sebastolobus altivelis) in deep waters of BAJA California, Mexico. Intropica, 13(1), 31–40. Retrieved from


  Over fishing has led to the need to explore new species in non-traditional fishing areas and to evaluate the fishing gear most suitable for its capture. This study determines the efficiency and selectivity of the bottom longline with two types of hooks and two types of baits for deep-sea fishing thornyhead (Sebastolobus altivelis), which can represent a large fishery potential in the western area of Baja California, for its value and acceptance in the North American and Asian gourmet market. The work was carried out from July 2012 to March 2013 in an area comprised of Coronado (32 ° 23 ' 26 "N, 117 º 23 ' 20" O) to Pescadero (31 ° 55 ' 31 "N, 117 º 04 ' 12" O), on the western coast of Baja California, at depths between 457 to 1100 m, using a longline provided with flat-type hooks 10/0 and 11/0 and sardine and anchovy as bait. Of the total catch, samples of 608 organisms were measured length and weight. To determine the efficiency of hooks and bait type, the ratio of nominal catches was used for each hundred hooks, catch per unit of effort (CPUE), and selectivity from a linearized catch curve, using the FISAT ll programme (FAO/ ICLARM Stock Assessment Tools). From the total catch, a sample of 608 organisms was measured for length and weight. The size range was 18 to 32 cm and the weight was between 110 and 400 g. We did not find a significant difference (P>0.05) between the efficiency of the two types of hooks with a CPUE of 0.958 and 0.716 (kg/100 hooks) for 11/0 and 10/0 respectively, nor between the type of bait with a CPUE 0.969 and 1.131 for sardine and anchovy correspondingly. The analysis of selectivity showed that the size of retention L50% for the hook 11/0 was 291.9 mm and 10/0 of 302.1 mm. It was determined that for the effectiveness of this species fishing with these commercial dimensions is indistinct to use bottom longlines with hooks 10 and 11 and/or sardine and anchovy as bait. However, the use of larger hooks are recommended as a measure for its preservation due to its high longevity.
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