Molecular characterization of 135 introduction of Capsicum from the bank of germplasm of the national university of Colombia, campus Palmira
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Pardey Rodríguez, C., & García Dávila, M. A. (2011). Molecular characterization of 135 introduction of Capsicum from the bank of germplasm of the national university of Colombia, campus Palmira. Intropica, 6(1), 21–32. Retrieved from


Molecular characterization of 135 introductions of Capsicum germplasm collection from National University of Colombia campus Palmira was carried out using 32 microsatellite primers for identifying a genetic variation among individuals of the five species studied: Capsicum annuum, C. frutescens, C. chinense, C. baccatum, and C. pubescens. The results showed that introductions are more in homozygous than in heterozygous state based on the rates of Fis and Fit, the greater variability among species was found in the omplex annuum, chinense, frutescens due to the number of polymorphic primers 21 of 32. The primers that showed the best polymorphism were those obtained from Lee et al. (2004), this primers showed high levels of diversity by having the highest number of alleles per locus and the higher number of alleles in heterozygous state; making them a powerful marker to measure genetic variability. The five species were genetically related to each other, however, the lower identity values occurred when any of the species was related to C. pubescens, or between C. baccatum and C. pubescens.
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