Risk Assessment Methodological Trial: the case of La Paloma Port, Uruguay
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risk; timber terminal; port; operations

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García, M., Longarete, C., Cancela, C., Sanguinetti, M., Silveira, S., de Alava, D., … Inda, H. (2017). Risk Assessment Methodological Trial: the case of La Paloma Port, Uruguay. Intropica, 12(2). Retrieved from


Integrated Coastal Zone Management emerges as an integrated and democratic approach to coastal resources management by including stakeholders into decision-making processes and generating accessible and systematized information. Under this theoretical framework and as a response to the new use of the port of La Paloma for timber shipping, this project intends to provide information oriented to improve risk management associated to the activity. The methodology of risk analysis was adopted and developed in three stages: design of a table to identify activities, hazards, geographical delimitations and environmental receptors; probability level of hazard occurrence and consequence severity through interviews to expert technicians; and finally risk estimation through a consequence and probability matrix, which allowed prioritizing risks and developing mitigation recommendations. The results show that the port activities require prioritized and immediate mitigation actions for its management dew to its high-risk impact (risk category: Unacceptable). The main risks associated to the port activities identified were the ones derived from the dredging (sedimentation changes and contamination), ship transit (residual contamination and stranding). These results allowed designing risk management strategies with accessible information for decision makers within an integrated approach towards port management
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