New records of predation on eggs of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) by Chrysopodes (Chrysopodes) Lineafrons (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) in northwestern Argentina
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reen lacewing; whitefly; predation capacity

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Ortega, E. S., Veggiani Aybar, C. A., Ávila, A. L., & Reguilón, C. (2017). New records of predation on eggs of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) by Chrysopodes (Chrysopodes) Lineafrons (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) in northwestern Argentina. Intropica, 12(2). Retrieved from


Bemisia tabaci has become one of the major pests of economic importance that affects several crops worldwide. Among their natural enemies are found the Chrysopidae family, with larvae predators of different pests resulting very effective biological control agents. In order to contribute to possible use of this beneficial insect in B. tabaci biological control, the developmental time and survival of the immature stages of Chrysopodes (Chrysopodes) lineafrons was determined, as well as longevity and oviposition of the adults fed with eggs of B. tabaci. Chrysopodes (C.) lineafrons adults were collected in tomato crops in Lules department, Tucumán province. To determine the developmental duration for each instars and survival of the larvae, 90 eggs of C. (C.) lineafrons were randomly selected, of which only 71 eggs hatched; of these, 34 larvae were fed with B. tabaci eggs and 37 with Sitotroga cerealella eggs, used as control. The oviposition and longevity of the adults were recorded, both fed with the two preys. Chrysopodes (C.) lineafrons larvae consumed an average 127.04 (± 40.2) eggs of B. tabaci and 44 (± 19.04) eggs of S. cerealella per day. Mean developmental time of C. (C.) lineafrons fed with B. tabaci eggs was 45 (± 3.54) days and 35 (± 5.04) days with S. cerealella eggs. Survival of immature stages, number of eggs per adults and their longevity were higher when C. (C.) lineafrons were fed with S. cerealella eggs than with B. tabaci eggs. Chrysopodes (C.) lineafrons has proved to be an efficient predator which would represent an excellent tool for B. tabaci biological control in tomato crops.
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