Influence of captivity in behavior and cortisol levels titi monkey grey (Saguinus leucopus)
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stereotypical behaviors; ethogram; stress hormone; behavioral sequences; primates; captivity
Stereotypical behaviors
stress hormone
behavioral sequences

How to Cite

Estefenn-Barbosa, V., & Gómez, Y. Y. (2017). Influence of captivity in behavior and cortisol levels titi monkey grey (Saguinus leucopus). Intropica, 12(1), 55–59. Retrieved from


White-footed tamarin is listed as endangered species because of its limited distribution and the destruction of their habitat. Its danger served as an excuse to determine the influence of captivity in the behavioral patterns and levels of cortisol. It is pertinent analysis of cortisol and behavioral as possible to establish their own behavior of the species under stress and allow the implementation of strategies favoring the well-being of individuals, captive breeding and reintroduction to natural life. Methodologically two runnings Zoo Santacruz (seven individuals in a household) and Zoo Piscilago (with two individuals together previously) were selected; ethograms were held for 19 days, counting the frequency and behavioral sequences. Simultaneously fecal cortisol concentrations were estimated linked immunosorbent assay Enzyme (ELISA), in order to find a possible association with behavior in the presence of repetitive behaviors and increased cortisol as a possible indicator of stress. Our results show that stereotypical behaviors were exploration and / or recognition, and stressors were found in the behavior of locomotion. Finally, cortisol levels were higher in Piscilago (215.5 ng/g, Santacruz 145 ng/g), concluding that the stereotypes are associated with cortisol levels, as shown in behavioral unit carries (pattern of locomotion) that showed a hormone dependence and high levels of this.
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