Phycoperiphyton assemblage associated to macrophytes in a tropical Colombian swamp
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De La Hoz-Barrientos, L. A., & Osorio-Ávila, F. J. (2016). Phycoperiphyton assemblage associated to macrophytes in a tropical Colombian swamp. Intropica, 11(1), 127–135. Retrieved from


The phycoperiphyton plays a fundamental role in the dynamic of wetlands due to the fact that possess important attributes as bio-indicators and because of its sensitivity to environmental changes. The aim of this paper is to determine the composition and structure of phycoperiphyton assemblage related to macrophytes’ roots at a tropical swamp in the northwest of Colombian. Three samples were taken (June 2015, September 2015 and January 2016) in three separate locations in the eastern area of the swamp. In each location a sample of 5 cm2 was taken from the roots of three individuals for each dominant macrophyte. Simultaneously, in situ water chemical and physical variables were measured (pH, conductivity, oxygen, temperature, depth, light extinction, sedimentary solids and radiation). Reports of 81 morphospecies were found, being diatoms and chlorophytes the dominant algae. The macrophyte Eichornia crassipes were the richest substratum with the highest algae density. Cymbella, Gomphonema, Monoraphidium y Cosmarium were considered as successful colonizers, as they were found in the majority of the substratum evaluated. Due to its high nutrient recycling rate, periphytic algae plays a fundamental role in the dynamics of this swamp.
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