Application of water quality biotic indexes in four streams of Gualeguaychú river basin (Entre Ríos, Argentina)
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Entre Ríos

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Juárez, R., Crettaz-Minaglia, M. C., Aguer, I., Juárez, I., Gianello, D., Ávila, E., & Roldán, C. (2016). Application of water quality biotic indexes in four streams of Gualeguaychú river basin (Entre Ríos, Argentina). Intropica, 11(1), 35–46. Retrieved from


The rapid loss of water quality from rivers and streams entails a loss of biodiversity; and their determination is essential and urgent. The aim of this study was asses the quality water from four Streams of Gualeguaychu River Basin, using bioindicators. The study area is located in the Pampa Mesopotamica, where agricultural and livestock activities are developed, and this is affected by a profound transformation of their ecosystems since two decades ago. Between 2013 to 2015, the Streams Garcia (GA), Los Perros (LP), Santa Bárbara (SB) and La Cañada (LC) were studied. Periodic samples were carried out, and physiochemical and riparian variables, benthic macroinvertebrates and discharge. The Family Biotic Index (FBI), Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP), the Biotic Index for PAMPean rivers and streams (IBPamp) and Riparian Quality Index (RQI) were applied. As result, 10007 organisms of 67 taxa were collected and identified. The FBI and BMWP indexes determined that exist severe and moderate pollution, the IBPamp determined less pollution. According to RQI, LP, GA and SB Streams have alterations in the riverbank, in contrast, the LC Stream. Biotic water quality and riparian indices proved a valuable tool to determine the ecological status of water bodies in the area, however, because of the particularities of the Pampa Mesopotamian, adjustments are necessary to allow better interpretation of the regional diversity and space and time variations.
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