Trophic structure of aquatic invertebrates associated with Egeria densa (Planch. 1849) in Tota lake (Boyacá-Colombia)
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food web
high mountain lakes
trophic species

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Pedroza-Ramos, A., Caraballo, P., & Aranguren-Riaño, N. (2016). Trophic structure of aquatic invertebrates associated with Egeria densa (Planch. 1849) in Tota lake (Boyacá-Colombia). Intropica, 11(1), 21–34. Retrieved from


A fundamental and effective way to view the dynamic patterns and properties of a community is through the trophic network, understood as a map of the interrelationships between the structure of an ecological community and the processes that occur within the ecosystem. In this study, we describe an aquatic food web composed by aquatic invertebrates, detritus and periphyton associated with the plant Egeria densa. Samples were collected during the transitional and rainy season at four stations in the littoral zone of Tota Lake. Three samples (300 g each) of plant material at every point were randomly collected. Electrical conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen and temperature were measured in situ. The eating habits were assigned by means of bibliographic information and in some cases observation. Finally, we developed a static type model that included 112866 individuals distributed among 26 taxon, which were classified according to their eating habits in: two top trophic species, 16 intermediate and two basal species. We found that this trophic network represents a connectance of 0.13 and density links of 2.95. The model also revealed that E. densa is a basal trophic species. Together, these results demonstrate that E. densa is an important generator of detritus and periphyton substrate, supporting other trophic levels in the community. Moreover, the presence of ten trophic species of primary consumers generates high ecological redundancy that at the same time guarantees the flow of resources toward higher trophic levels.
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