Macrobenthic community structure in four sandy beaches of the National Natural Park Corales del Rosario and San Bernardo (Colombian Caribbean) subjected to different levels of use
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Macrobenthic fauna
coastal zone
recreational use

How to Cite

Cortés-Useche, C., & Mendoza Aldana, J. (2012). Macrobenthic community structure in four sandy beaches of the National Natural Park Corales del Rosario and San Bernardo (Colombian Caribbean) subjected to different levels of use. Intropica, 7(1), 121–127. Retrieved from


We evaluated the macrobenthic community of sandy beaches. Were established four sampling sites: 1 and 2. Treasure Island and Rosario Island (Protected Beaches), 3 and 4. “Playita Cholon and Playa Blanca” (Recreational Beaches). Biological samples with PVC nucleators, in the laboratory, the organisms were identified to the major taxonomic level. In turn, physical data were obtained. The results showed that greater use beaches (Playa Blanca and Playita of Cholon) have higher abundances in contrast to the protected beaches (Treasure Island and Rosario Island), showing that the increased use of the beaches from the point of view of tourism and recreation is a strong physical pressure to the benthic macrofauna. We found a total of 1428 organisms belonging to 14 different taxa, grouped into 5 phyla, Nemertea, Annelida, Sipuncula, Nematoda and Crustacea. Nematodes were the dominant class (931 individuals) while polychaetes were also well represented (367 individuals)
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