Phycoperiphyton associated to macrophytes in the swamp of Cerro San Antonio, Magdalena-Colombia
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Osorio-Ávila, F. J., & Manjarres-García, G. A. (2015). Phycoperiphyton associated to macrophytes in the swamp of Cerro San Antonio, Magdalena-Colombia. Intropica, 10(1), 74–83. Retrieved from


The study of periphyton algae in tropical wetlands to interpret the dynamics of these ecosystems with ecological importance and vocation to offer different services to the human population. The purpose of this study was to determine the structure of the assembly of periphyton and evaluate their aggregation or substrate preference (macrophytes) in a tropical swamp. We reported 48 species, they are presented as dominant group chlorophytic and diatoms, algal assemblage showed low variation in community indices (diversity, dominance, richness), however, the ficoperifiton abundance between macrophytes were found was similar. Moreover, differences in substrate selectivity of some species as Closterium kuetzingii (Brebisson), Cocconeis placentula (Ehrenberg), and Hantzschia sp. (Ehrenberg) which were only present in the roots of E. crassipes, in turn Coelastrum sphaericum (Nägeli) only found in roots of P. stratiotes. The first record of the species Ankistrodesmus fusiformis (Corda), to the swamps of the departamento del Magdalena.
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