Spatio-temporal variation of aquatic microalgae of the embalse de Betania-Huila and its relation with the quality of water
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Ecological Indexes
Qualitative-Quantitative analysis.

How to Cite

Martínez-Silva, P. (2015). Spatio-temporal variation of aquatic microalgae of the embalse de Betania-Huila and its relation with the quality of water. Intropica, 10(1), 11–19. Retrieved from


The Betania reservoir is one of the most important lentic systems in Colombia, not only for its importance as generator of electric energy but also for being one of the main sources of economic productivity due to activities such as pisciculture. Over a period of one year, combined samples of phytoplankton were made in ten stations of the reservoir. The samples were studied under a quantitative-qualitative analysis in order to obtain three ecological indexes (Shannon-Weiver, Pielou and Whilm and Dorris) to establish the level of water pollution. An Analysis of Variance was applied to determine if there is any statistical fluctuation in the number of individuals per milliliter between stations or months. The results suggest that the Betania reservoir is going through an eutrophication process according to the organisms observed in the phytoplankton community. This process increases when rain decreases, concurrent with fish mortality episodes. It is necessary to take appropriate management measures in order to preserve the useful life of the reservoir.
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