Selection by recurrence of the parameters used in environmental quality and tourism “beach certification schemes” in latin America
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Coastal management
tourism quality
compliance aspect
beach certification schemes
Latin America

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Noguera Castro, L. A., Botero Saltarén, C. M., & Zielinski, S. (2012). Selection by recurrence of the parameters used in environmental quality and tourism “beach certification schemes” in latin America. Intropica, 7(1), 59–68. Retrieved from


Beach Certification Schemes (BCSs) are tools recently implemented in Latin America. They are based on an evaluation of a given set of compliance aspects (requirements). The research consisted of the recollection, classification and organization of the available information on the Latin American BCSs, found through search engines, data bases, scientific articles, information networks and direct contact with organizations in charge of the certifications. The information was then used to calculate the proportions of inclusion of the compliance aspects in the five categories proposed by Botero (2008). The most recurrent for the Latin American context compliance aspects were calculated through the evaluation of the 3rd quartile, based on their statistical representativeness. In result, ninety one aspects were found in eight BCSs, most of them in the “environment” category. In the contrary, the “management” category was found to have the least number of aspects. In terms of the BCSs, the Colombian NTS-TS-001-2 and Argentinian IRAM 42100 were found to have the most aspects, while the Cost Rican Bandera Azul Ecológica the least. Finally, with the additional objective to emphasize the environmental importance of beaches, ten most relevant environmental compliance aspects were selected from the twenty eight found
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