Population structure and phenotypic variability of Nerita tessellate (Gastropoda: Neritidae) from the Caribbean coast of Santa Marta (Magdalena)
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Phenotypic variability
population structure
Nerita tessellata
rocky shore

How to Cite

Mazenett-Gutierrez, G. J., Quintero-Galvis, J. F., & Castro-García, L. R. (2012). Population structure and phenotypic variability of Nerita tessellate (Gastropoda: Neritidae) from the Caribbean coast of Santa Marta (Magdalena). Intropica, 7(1), 21–30. Retrieved from


In this study an analysis of the population structure and the phenotypic variability of Nerita tessellata in Santa Marta rocky’s shores was conducted. Coastline transects were sampled at the rocky bays of Bahia Concha, Punta Betín, Rodadero and Taganga, between September and November 2010. The population structure of N. tessellata (N=1544) was obtained using frequency charts of the sizes for the total of registered individuals per sample site and for the intertidal zones (midlittoral and supralittoral) confidence intervals (95%) were estimated. One-way ANOVA were performed to establish differences between sample site and intertidal fringes sizes. The phenotypic variability was evaluated through the homogeneity test of chi-square (X2). A distribution pattern based on the size of the specie N. tessellata was identified, with bigger sizes in the midlittoral fringe than in the supralittoral fringe, showing a distinctive size gradient in which individuals dimensions decrease as the vertical gradient of the rocky shore increases. Significant differences were also found among populations in the intertidal zones and the sample sites (ANOVA, P<0,05). Phenotypes differences among the sites for the populations of N. tessellata were found, showing polymorphism in terms of coloration attributes and bands.
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