Use of compost, primary amorphous minerals and microorganisms for production and quality of tomato
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clay soils
microbial consortium
Steiner solution

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Parra-Delgado, J. M., Velázquez-Alcaraz, T. de J., Quero-Gutiérrez, E., Partida-Ruvalcaba, L., Díaz-Valdés, T., Galván-Piña, B., & Ayala-Tafoya, F. (2014). Use of compost, primary amorphous minerals and microorganisms for production and quality of tomato. Intropica, 9(1), 102–110. Retrieved from


This research was carried out with the aim to determine the influence of the bocashi compost, amorphous primary minerals and microorganisms in post-harvest yield and quality of saladette tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) hibrid “Moctezuma”. The crop was carried in soil under greenhouse conditions during the agricultural cycle 2011-2012 autumn-winter. A population density of 2.5 plants m2 managed to a single stem and a separation of 1.6 m between rows was used. The bocashi compost and amorphous primary minerals were incorporated into the soil 30 days before the start of cultivation. Total and extra-large, large, medium and small tomatoes yields of eight clusters per plant and their postharvest quality were evaluated. An experimental design of randomized complete blocks with nine treatments was applied for yield variables, while a completely randomized design was used for postharvest quality variables. The highest yield (113.97 Mg ha-1) was obtained with the treatment consisting of 25 and 6 Mg ha-1 of compost and amorphous primary minerals, respectively, which exceeded 9.3% those achieved with the Steiner solution based treatments, although no significant statistically difference were found between the two averages. pH, titratable acidity and total soluble solids of fruits were not significantly affected by treatments.
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