Aquatic macroinvertebrates communities of the streams of Providence Island, Caribbean Sea of Colombia
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aquatic macroinvertebrates
Colombian Caribbean
Providence Island

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Cortés-Guzmán, D., & Ospina-Torres, R. (2014). Aquatic macroinvertebrates communities of the streams of Providence Island, Caribbean Sea of Colombia. Intropica, 9(1), 9–22. Retrieved from


Despite the widespread use of aquatic macroinvertebrates in basic and applied studies of aquatic ecology, little is known of Providence, even more when the biota of the islands represents itself a subject of interest because of its relationships with the mainland and other nearby islands. This study described the composition and structure of the island’s aquatic macroinvertebrates communities during three periods related to hydrologic cycle, and identified the geographic distributions of the faunal elements found.  Five sites of the island (Lazy Hill, Bailey, Fresh Water, El Pico and Old Town) in which physical and chemical parameters were measured, and organisms were collected in the available microhabitat.  Descriptors (species richness and abundance) and diversity indexes (Margalef diversity index, Simpson’s dominance index and Shannon-Wiener index) of the population were calculated. Kruskal Wallis test was applied to establish differences between abundance and seasons, and a CCA test for establish the association of the organisms with physical and chemical parameters.  It was found that Lazy Hill and The Peak are the most diverse sites (DMg 7.15 and 8.40, respectively) and they may be a valuable refuge for the communities during the dry season.  Geographic distributions did not allow recognition of endemism at the genera level, but the communities studied are mainly a combination of cosmopolitan and Central and South American elements. Seasonality has a remarkable effect on the composition of communities, being greater at sites with less intervention, as Lazy Hill and The Peak.
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