Aquaria system for rearing stoneflies (Insecta: Perlidae)
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Stoneflies rearing
rearing camera
aquarium system

How to Cite

Turizo-Correa, R., Tamarís-Turizo, C., & Rueda-Delgado, G. (2006). Aquaria system for rearing stoneflies (Insecta: Perlidae). Intropica, 3(1), 109–112. Retrieved from


A continuous water-flow system was adapted to rear stonefly nymphs of the genus Anacroneuria in laboratory, the system includes a combination of rearing cameras and traditional aquaria, this system guarantee a water flow in the rearing cameras; the system and were adapted to the local temperature and oxygen conditions. The system to allow the association of 13 nymphs with your correspond adult, with times of emergency between 1 and 30 days.
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