Fisheries assessment and ecology information system, SIEEP (version 1.1). Bycatch studies of shrimp fisheries update
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System information
Fisheries management
Caribbean Sea

How to Cite

Duarte, L. O., & Cuello, F. (2006). Fisheries assessment and ecology information system, SIEEP (version 1.1). Bycatch studies of shrimp fisheries update. Intropica, 3(1), 101–108. Retrieved from


The Fisheries Assessment and Ecology Information System (SIEEP) was constructed to validate, standardize and store biotic and abiotic information for ecological, oceanographic and fisheries studies. Since bycatch studies are required in the shrimp trawl fisheries, the SIEEP has been updated to store fisheries and biological data from bycatch samples analysed on board and in laboratory. In addition, the performance of the system was optimized, interfaces for catch, size and reproductive data were included and the performance of the system was optimised. Information of the bycatch assessment in the shrimp trawl fishery of the Colombian Caribbean Sea and information of the experimental trials of bycatch reduction devises in such fishery was the first application of the new version of the system (V. 1.1). A total of 723 tows and 27 scientific cruises were stored. Detailed biological information of 730 taxa, including more than 180000 records of individual size and 84000 records of individual weights, was obtained. An important fraction of the recent data belonged from the southern fishing zone of the Colombian Caribbean Sea which complements data previously collected in the northern fishing zone, thus a valuable informative basis for the integrated management of the fisheries resources is established. The system is a new digital platform for storing data derived from shrimp bycatch monitoring, useful for scientist and institutions related with the study and management of living marine resources. Contributions with data and initiatives for the permanent update of the SIEEP will be appreciated.
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