Preliminary phytochemical study and assessment of antifungal activity of extracts of leaves, barks and seeds of Thevetia peruviana (Persoon) Schum
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Thevetia peruviana
Mycosphaerella fijiensis
Thevetine A and B
fatty acids

How to Cite

Pacheco-López, D. J., Taborda-Martínez, M. E., & De la Rosa-Torres, C. (2006). Preliminary phytochemical study and assessment of antifungal activity of extracts of leaves, barks and seeds of Thevetia peruviana (Persoon) Schum. Intropica, 3(1), 5–12. Retrieved from


When making the preliminary phytochemical study to determine in qualitative form the chemical composition of the seed, barks and leaves of Thevetia peruviana specie, cardiotonic glycosides, flavonoids, triterpenoids and steroids were obtained like components main in leaves, bark and seeds. To the extracted fixed oil of the seed a fatty acid profile was made to him in a high resolution gas chromatograph with ionization detector in flame (HRGC-FID), the majority components were the acids oleic (46%), palmitic (23.4%), linoleic  (17%), stearic  (9,4%) and arachidic (1.8%). These percentage values with those of almond oils, castor oil, olive, cacao, coconut, corn, cottonseed, peanut, soybean, sunflower and fat of pig are compared. This oil offers the possibility of being taken advantage of at industrial level due to the high yield extraction and the physicochemical characteristics its fatty acids. The antifungal activity of ethereos and etanolics extracts to different concentrations was evaluated in front of the fungus Mycosphaerella fijiensis, with negative results; nevertheless, one does not discard that it has this property against less resistant fungi. The commercial  antifungal Mancozeb was used like positive control.
PDF (Español (España))


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