Ethics guide

Editorial Best Practice Guidelines

Being aware of the importance of maintaining high standards of ethics and the responsibility inherent in scientific publication, the editorial board, scientist committee and the editor of the Clío América Journal contemplate in its editorial processes, actions necessary to prevent and avoid bad practices in their content, fraud and plagiarism; which according to the online dictionary Merriam-Webster "it is the act of using another person's words or ideas without giving credit to that person" In this regard, it is proposed below this document which constitutes a guide for authors in these issues.

Editorial policy

The authors who wish to publish in the Clío América journal must register on Open Journal System (ío América/user/register) and send from this platform the manuscript. Alternatively, the author may submit the same information through the mail-mail of the journal (revistaClío Amé

Furthermore, and in order to ensure the originality of the articles and the respect for copyrights, the Clío América  Journal submits all articles received in their calls for a review of originality, for which it is used the software Turnitin. When it is detected a complete coincidence of the manuscript which has been submitted with another text (without corresponding citations), the manuscript is rejected immediately. So it will not be sent to external evaluation and the author will be notified about the reason for the rejection, according with the provisions of COPE according to its acronym in English ( In the event that the similarity is only partial, the author will be notified to make any necessary adjustments (including citations, paraphrasing, use of quotation marks, etc.) to continue the editorial process, as long as the requested changes are made.

Articles from the members of the journals committees.

The editor, the editorial board, the scientific committee and/or any other person who has direct link to the journal, should refrain from publishing documents which require peer review, in order to avoid that the principle of anonymity of the review process is violated. Except when these participate only as authors of editorials and reviews.

Articles review and editorial process

Each article submitted to the Clío América journal is considered a confidential document. For this reason, the evaluation/review process for both reviewers and authors is secret (double-blind), it means that the identity of the reviewers and the authors remain anonymous.

Author's responsibilities

The responsibility for the content of articles falls upon the authors and not the editor, the editorial board, Clío América journal’s scientific committee or humanities faculty of the Universidad del Magdalena

The authors manifest that they are independent on the regard of the funding and the institutional support, and that during the execution of work or article writing there have not been interests or values other than those usually carried out in research. They are only considered the articles in which the authors have no conflict of interest. In some cases it will be necessary that authors specify the support received (funding, equipment, personnel, in-kind, etc.) from people or public or private institutions for the study, as well as personal and institutional relationships which can affect execution, the results, their interpretation and writing of the article. In the case of having received funding from Colciencias - Colombia, it is necessary to mention the assigned code (information requested by Publindex). These funding and/or support institutions should be indicated only in the acknowledgments section.

When an author reproduces a figure, a table or similar to a book or a journal article, it is necessary to make sure that it is not violating copyright (intellectual property rights). In the event that an author reproduces tables, photographs or other illustrations, it should be cited the source, by presenting the permissions for reproduction in case they are necessary.

The authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary permission to reproduce text, figures, tables, photographs or other illustrations, previously published.

The material extracted from letters, manuscripts and interviews, which have not been published will not be accepted unless the permission of the author is obtained, that means, a document signed where it is authorized the publication of the material in printed, digital media or any other means of dissemination, ensuring that it will be used for academic purposes only. The author always make proper acknowledgment of any material that is supplied.


It will not be allowed an inclusion or removal of authors of articles once they have been submitted to the Clío América journal. This will only be approved in strictly exceptional cases, for which it must be obtained the written consent of the authors to be included or removed, as well as it must be obtained a signed permission from the other authors of the article, mentioning in detail the contribution of each person during the process of preparation and completion of the research. People who, in some way or another, made substantial contributions to the article, but who are not considered as authors, must be appointed in the acknowledgments without mentioning titles or acronyms such as: Prof. Dr. PhD, etc.


When an error is detected in any data from the article which may alter the content of a publication, the author or authors are obliged to inform the journal, so it can be modified, removed or published an errata sheet. In the case that the error is discovered by a member of the journal, authors will be notified in order to demonstrate that their work is correct.

It must be avoided the division of manuscripts without justification. Being a very extensive study or research, it may be published in several parts, so that each of them develops a specific aspect of the original research. Authors should ensure that the various related works will be published in the same journal in order to facilitate the interpretation of study by readers in general, preventing publications are made consecutively between editions.

Editorial responsibilities

The editor with the support of the editorial board of the Clío América journal are responsible for the selection of articles to be published, taking as main reference expert peer reviewers. The criteria for this choice are based on the characteristics of articles, such as quality, relevance, originality, unpublished character and contributions to the knowledge of the subjects which are addressed in the journal. In this sense, the publisher and the editorial board will also take into account the diversity and plurality of the contents of the journal. If an article is rejected, the author based on these aspects will be justified.

The editorial team of the Clío América Journal is responsible for the style review in Spanish, layout, publication and printing of all papers accepted for publication.

Responsibility of the Peer Reviewers

The first stage of review of an article which is submitted to the Clío América journal, is the review of form and basis by the editorial team of the journal. This stage includes the review of originality of the manuscript, which is done with the help of the software Turnitin.  Then the article will be submitted to a process of evaluation by at least two external peers, who will consider on issues related to the originality, depth and theoretical contributions

Confidentiality of manuscripts in the evaluation/review process

When carrying out a written evaluation, this should be seen as a document of great confidentiality, in any step of the publishing process and until its publication is made. It will not be released any other document or fragment revision, neither for the own benefit of the reviewer or of others, nor that can harm others with such information. However there are exceptions, such as help from other experts in the field to strengthen the review process, with prior permission of the publisher responsible for the publication.

Rules of edition

A publication and/or its author should not be cited more than three times in the same manuscript, furthermore it is not permitted in  citations terms such as Op. cit., cf. Etc. It will be allowed a maximum three textual citations from the same author within each article, this is in order to avoid any situation involving plagiarism.

Authors should ensure that the results presented through figures, tables or texts are originals which have not been plagiarized, distorted or product of their imagination. It should noted that plagiarism, in all its forms, is a serious matter which goes beyond the limits of ethics and it is considered as a bad scientific practice.