Research problems in accounting and problems in accounting research.

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Henry Antonio Romero-León


AbstractThere are two questions being raised here regarding the accounting research and foundational research problems in accounting as a dynamizing agent of the discipline progress. Research problems in accounting and problems in accounting research derived therein have been discussed, through a diagnostic process, including a description of the main issues in these problematic research areas. By way of example, research topics published in the main accounting journals will be presented, with the intent to overview the worldwide research trends in accounting. The problem facing our argument was the necessity to distinguish between the two main problems identified as affecting the research practices in a historical basis, in order to understand that providing conceptual and analytical clarification concerning the accounting knowledge may contribute to the elucidation of this problem. Thus, it was established that under these circumstances is not the same to conceive the research challenges as the main issues in research as a human activity.  


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How to Cite
Romero-León, H. A. (2014). Research problems in accounting and problems in accounting research. Clío América, 8(15), 75–82.
Author Biography

Henry Antonio Romero-León, Universidad Central Bogotá



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