Teaching speech to the hidden discourse of administration in the management of educational organizations.
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Speech Teaching
Administrative Speeches
Educational Organizations
Educational Management
Educational Quality.

How to Cite

Sánchez-Buitrago, J. O., Linero-Núñez, D. R., & Martínez-Valle, M. I. (2014). Teaching speech to the hidden discourse of administration in the management of educational organizations. Clío América, 8(15), 36–46. https://doi.org/10.21676/23897848.828


AbstractThis article presents part of the final results of the research project entitled: “TENSIONS BETWEEN TEACHING STATEMENTS AND ADMINISTRATIVE FROM THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SYSTEMS OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN INSTITUTIONS OF BASIC EDUCATION AND SECONDARY: An evaluative and purposeful reading”. A central conclusion is established and argues that pedagogical discourses are being displaced by the administrative discourses in educational institutions; from the implementation of different quality management systems. This shift is causing identity of educational organizations is affected and that the axis of the daily activities of teachers and administrators to focus more on the administrative management of the organization in the development of their teaching. Because the intent that guided this research, the nature of the object of study and in line with its social complexity, it was designed, essentially, under a qualitative approach; pointing to an effort to understand the social reality alluding to the tensions that are happening between the pedagogical and administrative from the implementation of systems quality management in primary and secondary education institutions.  
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