Technological and digital transformation in cooperatives in antioquia


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Innovation; technological innovation; cooperatives; digital transformation.

How to Cite

Calle-Piedrahita, J. S. ., Malavera-Pineda, S. M., & Portilla-Rosero, B. E. (2023). Technological and digital transformation in cooperatives in antioquia. Clío América, 16(31), 767–778. (Original work published February 1, 2023)


This article examines the innovative dynamics in technology and digital transformation of cooperatives in Antioquia in the present phase of globalization. This analysis was crossed by the Covid-19 pandemic, it addresses the elements required in cooperatives to adapt to the demands of technological and digital innovations during times of crisis. The methodology used was quantitative through a questionnaire sent electronically to 801 cooperative managers during the year 2020, and a response was obtained from 72 of them. According to the findings, it can be established that hypothesis H1: 0.70 of the cooperatives invest in technology to improve social performance, is not confirmed; therefore, the alternative hypothesis is the relevant one. In conclusion, cooperatives make technology investment decisions based on their internal operations (loyalty) and not on customer needs. In addition, few entities invested in digital technology during the crisis caused by Covid-19.
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