Ethics and socialization in the venezuelan public banking
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primary social demand.

How to Cite

García, J. J., & Seijo-Suárez, C. (2013). Ethics and socialization in the venezuelan public banking. Clío América, 7(14), 164–169. Retrieved from


Abstract   The purpose of this investigational work is to analyze the ethics, and socialization in the public banking. Two categories were developed such as ethics and socialization in public banks, the theoretical basement poses that a society lacking ethics and principles cannot progress in a globalized environment such as the actual one. Also, ethics is the primary social demand, which at a business level; it should be assumed that “noble intentions” are not enough when there are decisions to make in which there are other individual’s decisions to be considered in accordance to the logic of a market guided by mechanisms of free trade and profits. Essentially, the socialization system is the cultural transference that occurs with the social insertion of an individual in a group to convert him in a member of a society by which he would observe the established norms and regulations, as well as the socialization. The present study was developed under the non-experimental, qualitative, descriptive method focusing on the interpretation of the findings, with aims that each employee comply with the norms and procedures of the financial institutions, essentially, that they demonstrate ethical behavior, since this is one the key basis to guaranty the banking socialization project success.  
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