Specifying the third mission (3m) of the Regional Public University. Impacts and perceptions of extension project. Case: University of Magdalena
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Third mission
university extension
university social responsibility
projects management
social innovation.

How to Cite

Vera-Salazar, P. H., Amaru-Galvis, E., & González-Zabala, M. P. (2013). Specifying the third mission (3m) of the Regional Public University. Impacts and perceptions of extension project. Case: University of Magdalena. Clío América, 7(14), 135–152. Retrieved from https://revistas.unimagdalena.edu.co/index.php/clioamerica/article/view/758


Abstract The purpose of this paper is to present an analysis of the orientation that is assumed by a university in the Colombian Caribbean region for developing actions in what has been known as “the university’s third mission”. In addition, an analysis about the effect on the university that is generated by the execution of “extension” projects is presented. The used methodological approach was Case Study Research by using an intervention project with regional scope as the unit of analysis. In this context, the used information sources were: documental information about project’s execution, semi structured interviews of project coordinators and a survey on the perception regarding the university’s third mission that was directed to a sample of the university’s professors. The main finding of this study is the identification and characterization of the university’s orientation regarding the third mission, which emphasizes on social development of its environment. Moreover, positive perceptions of the university’s members were identified. Even though this study was limited to a single case in a particular context, the findings permitted to identify characteristics of the materialization of the university’s third mission. These characteristics could be useful as a reference for developing other similar studies in other institutional contexts, in the region and the country, to consolidate deeper reflections on this topic.  
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