Mexicans' impressions of Colombia's country image
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country image

How to Cite

Echeverri-Cañas, L. M., Estay-Niculcar, C., & Parra, H. (2013). Mexicans’ impressions of Colombia’s country image. Clío América, 7(14), 120–134. Retrieved from


Abstract The country image of Colombia has been discussed in the fields of international business and territorial marketing. Colombia is a country with a positioning associated with drug trafficking and coffee. This situation has led governments in the last decade to define new strategies to help improve Colombia’s reputation in international markets. However, its efforts have been of little impact, because the image of Colombia country still maintains negative due to its historical association. In this sense, this article discusses the results of an investigation on impressions with Mexicans who have visited and have not visited Colombia. Mexico was chosen because it is the second source of tourists to Colombia from North America. Through an empirical study applied to a sample of 190 Mexicans over 18 years, it was found that the positioning remains negative and the country is still associated with drugs, terrorism and insecurity. One contrasting attribute regarding perception that stands out in the study is that Colombia is associated with the friendliness of its people. The study results were obtained at the end of 2013.    
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