Affirmative action as social inclusion mechanism in public higher education: the case of the Colombian Caribbean Region
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Affirmative actions
inclusion policies
vulnerable population

How to Cite

Morón-Cárdenas, J. A., Pedrozo-Martínez, A. M., & Torres-Cabrera, M. A. (2013). Affirmative action as social inclusion mechanism in public higher education: the case of the Colombian Caribbean Region. Clío América, 7(14), 110–119. Retrieved from


Abstract This article becomes the first product for the assessment about the impact of social inclusion policies on differents Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) of the colombian Caribbean region. And it´s focused in two key aspects, the first one, it is the analysis of the impact of policies aimed to ensure the access and permanence of vulnerable population belong at the seven public university of the colombian Caribbean region; and another hand, the analysis about the supporting awarded to students matriculated among 2005 and 2011, and its impact on desertion rates. The information consulted was the senior and scademics agreement, and also rectoral Resolutions concerning about benefits giving to this population, and the ‘SPADIES’ database. As results it was found that affirmative actions implemented by HEIs, are academics, financial and in another type, benefiting 52.7% of their matriculated students. Finally, for students of social strata 1 and 2 levels, affirmative actions have sought to improve the permanence conditions through financial support.          
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