Distances covered in the self-evaluation process for purposes of institutional accreditation of the University of Magdalena
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Institutional Self-Assessment
methodological paths
scientific research process.

How to Cite

Sánchez-Buitrago, J. O., & Paba-Argote, Z. L. (2013). Distances covered in the self-evaluation process for purposes of institutional accreditation of the University of Magdalena. Clío América, 7(14), 94–109. https://doi.org/10.21676/23897848.755


Abstract  This paper presents the distances covered by the University of Magdalena during the process of self-evaluation, which was intended under the rationality and own rigor of an exercise in scientific research , in this case in the area of the line on " Management and Systems Development Education " , Ph.D. in Science Education from the same institution. The key issues that are addressed are: Ph.D. in Science Education as an academic niche Assessment Process; self-evaluation as the process of scientific research; the institutional policy framework that guided the self-assessment process; mobilizing and supporting social participation and legitimizes self-evaluation process; joint self-assessment process with the formulation of the Institutional Development Plan: the exercise of Resignification the Institutional Educational Project and the Process Assessment Model Institutional Pedagogical; theoretical referential coordinates the self-assessment process and methodological route that guided the Assessment Process Uses of Institutional Accreditation, among others.            
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