Non-conventional indicators that may affect the growth of gross domestic product
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Ease of doing business; perception of corruption; investment; increase; indicators.

How to Cite

Montoya-Berben, G. ., Pineda-Méndez, C. V., Herrera-Mesa, R., & Cucunuba-Navarro, C. D. (2023). Non-conventional indicators that may affect the growth of gross domestic product. Clío América, 17(34), 87–100.


The purpose of this work is to establish the relationship that GDP growth may have with indicators such as ease of doing business, and perceptions of corruption, based on the positions of the World Bank, Doing Business, and Transparency International. The way of working on each relationship between the GDP and a studied variable was approached from quantitative research of descriptive-deductive type. The results show that the hypothesis that countries with greater ease of doing business, and lower perception of corruption are those with higher GDP growth is partially fulfilled; the analysis of the changes in the variables of the study determines two conclusions: 1) a deductive analysis, which allows concluding that there is a partial relationship between the variables studied and GDP growth and 2) a correlational analysis between the variables studied, versus the behavior of GDP with economic and political events, occurred in the countries located at the extremes of these figures (Colombia and UK), allowing identifying a result opposite to the deductive analysis.
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