Attitudes of consumers towards social bank

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Cindy Paola Pinzón-Ríos
Ignacio Osuna-Soto
Ernesto Barrera-Duque
Juan Manuel Vicaria-Delgado


The purpose of this paper is to describe the relation between three variables: consumer psychological profile, risk perception and user experience at a cognitive, behavioral and emotional level. For this, 342 people from the base of the pyramid (BoP), target of social banking in Colombia, were part of a quantitative research. The paper presents a model of consumer attitudes towards social banking through which we study the influence and relation between three variables. The results revealed a relation between variables risk perception and consumer psychological profile, and other between the usage experience to use and consumer psychological profile. The study revealed a relation between these variables and insights found about how to create strategies in social banking from the understanding of behavior, needs and users aspirations.


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How to Cite
Pinzón-Ríos, C. P., Osuna-Soto, I., Barrera-Duque, E., & Vicaria-Delgado, J. M. (2023). Attitudes of consumers towards social bank. Clío América, 17(34), 24–37.
Article of scientific and technological research
Author Biographies

Cindy Paola Pinzón-Ríos, Inalde Business School, Sabana University

MBA. Inalde Business School, Sabana University, Colombia. Email: ORCID:

Ignacio Osuna-Soto, Inalde Business School, University Sabana

PhD. Inalde Business School, University Sabana, Colombia. Email: ORCID:

Ernesto Barrera-Duque, Inalde Business School, Sabana University

PhD. Inalde Business School, Sabana University, Colombia. Email: ORCID:

Juan Manuel Vicaria-Delgado, Inalde Business School, Sabana University

MBA. Inalde Business School, Sabana University, Colombia. Email: ORCID:


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