Water quality as a determining factor of tourism in a coastal destination. Main stakeholders’ perception analysis
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Water consumption; Tourist industry; Colombia.

How to Cite

Vargas-Leira, F. de J., Navarro-Hernández, P. L., & Sossa-Álvarez, R. D. (2023). Water quality as a determining factor of tourism in a coastal destination. Main stakeholders’ perception analysis. Clío América, 17(34), 38–48. https://doi.org/10.21676/23897848.5576


This paper presents a descriptive analysis of the main actors of tourism’s perceptions in the city of Santa Marta, Colombia, about the quality of the provision of the aqueduct service in this territory, emphasizing the organizations dedicated to accommodation activities and the sale of food and drinks. The method used in this study has a mixed focus and descriptive scope, while the techniques implemented consist of the collection of empirical information through the application of surveys to the stakeholders and the analysis of theoretical sources obtained through a literature review. Finally, the results and main contributions of this work indicate that the perception of tourists regarding the quality of water in the establishments of the destination is, for the most part, favorable, which contrasts with the perception of the representatives of the establishments and business associations. In addition, according to the businessmen, the main effects of this problem are related to the difficulties in marketing and providing a quality service, as well as the deterioration of the infrastructure and operating assets of their establishment.
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