Socioeconomic determinants of economic reintegration in Colombia: evidence from a Probit Model
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reintegration; insurgent groups; binary choice model; former combatants.

How to Cite

Luna-Amador, J. A. ., Escobar-Espinosa, Álvaro A. ., Caraballo-Payares, A. M. ., & Padilla-Castilla, A. . (2022). Socioeconomic determinants of economic reintegration in Colombia: evidence from a Probit Model. Clío América, 16(31), 790–799.


This paper seeks to determine what socioeconomic aspects influence the economic reintegration process of former combatants from illegal armed groups in Bolívar, Colombia. For this purpose, an analysis of some variables such as age, gender, educational level, marital status, former group, family income and type of demobilization is carried out. Methodologically, a two-stage econometric binary choice model (Probit) was applied. This research found that educational level, family income and gender are the key socioeconomic determinants of economic reintegration in the population under study. Finally, the scholar community is invited to carry out studies of this type in order to understand the factors that can affect the economic re- integration of ex-combatants across the country. These analyzes provide critical information for designing more successful reintegration programs for insurgent groups, considering that Colombia is currently going through a massive demobilization process which will require a successful reintegration program that pre- vent former combatants from recidivism.
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