Study trends in the circular economy from supply chain management in the textile and clothing industry



circular economy; useful life; supply chain; sustainability and industrial ecology.

How to Cite

Landinez-Safra, L.-S., & Rodríguez Arenas, L. E. (2022). Study trends in the circular economy from supply chain management in the textile and clothing industry. Clío América, 16(31), 795–807.


Sustainable supply chain management practices have been developed globally for some time with the aim of incorporating green concerns into business, lessening the unintended destructive effects on the environment in the manufacturing and purchasing process. At the same time, circular economies push the boundaries of environmental sustainability by highlighting the notion of innovative goods, creating a viable relationship between ecosystems and economic growth. Through a systematic review of the literature, this document identifies four study trends (factors, barriers, practices, and performance) when applying a circular economy in the textile and clothing industry. A conceptual model based on these four study trends is established, illustrating the relationship between them. Highlighting the challenges of applying the circular economy and offering some suggestions for managers in the textile and clothing industry. Finally,  several directions for future research are concluded.


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