Perspectives of a new interconnection between micro and macroaccounting: emerging technologies


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Rincón-Soto, C. A., García-Semanate, J. D., & Molina-Mora, F. R. (2021). Perspectives of a new interconnection between micro and macroaccounting: emerging technologies. Clío América, 15(30), 738–746.


This article shows a reflection from the interpretive methodology of the impact that emerging technological advances can offer on the relationship between micro and macro accounting. Previously this connection was thought utopian, but current technological advances that allow carrying out tasks such as collecting, storing, processing, transferring and transmitting a large amount of information, highlight the end of the impossibility. Today you can speak of a different scenario, as the results show that large-scale data manipulation technologies are increasingly accurate and robust, given that interconnectivity, analysis and systematization systems, such as Blockchain, artificial intelligence and big data, reveal the integration of individual activities understood as micro to general or collective ones as macro. These technologies offer the possibility of a new structure for data manipulation systems, allowing us to envision a revolution in the administration of financial and accounting information.
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