Elements for the formulation of the plan of adaptation to the variability and the climatic change for the Colombian Caribbean, with base in the integral management of the risk
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Integral Management of the risk
adaptation to the variability and to the climatic change
societies resilientes.

How to Cite

Gómez-López, D. (2013). Elements for the formulation of the plan of adaptation to the variability and the climatic change for the Colombian Caribbean, with base in the integral management of the risk. Clío América, 7(13), 64–79. https://doi.org/10.21676/23897848.437


It is imperative that the Colombians concern us for having territories safer and societies less vulnerable tendency to stabilise the process of the sustainable development in the time that guarantee us better social conditions, economic and political in the distinct human settlements presents in the territorial context and for these effects three central appearances consider that they contribute of way decided with these purposes. The first refers to the need to improve the knowledge and elevate the level of consciousness on the territory that occupy to diminish the degree of vulnerability of the settlements in the spaces that inhabit; the second, is indispensable that the government, so much of the national level, as of the decentralised, take part with seriousness the process scheduled of the territory with emphasis in the approach of the Integral Management of the Risk and the adaptation to the variability and the climatic Change, and, in third place, requires incorporate new elements conceptual and methodological elements to the process of the planning of the territory, with the end to correct some omissions in which it has incurred to the moment to formulate the respective plans of development or territorial legislation in the distinct territorial entities. Some of the omissions split to consider that the damages happened by the disasters are forced to suffer them, due to the fact that these obey to the own conditions of the nature and to divine strengths. Mistaken affirmations that drive to the passivity, the resignation and back application of resources of repetitive and innocuous way, in the measure that no incursione in the analysis of the key factors of the irrigation of disaster and so that, of way shared look for to diminish the levels of likely damage of the disastrous incident to handy levels or “acceptable”, when incorporating to the planning the own elements of the Integral Management of the Risk and concepts like the adaptation to the conditions of the half, in plough to build societies increasingly resilientes.                    
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