Modelling of the volatility and forecasting the index of the general stock exchange of Colombia (IGBC)
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Parody-Camargo, E., Charris-Fontanilla, A., & García-Luna, R. (2012). Modelling of the volatility and forecasting the index of the general stock exchange of Colombia (IGBC). Clío América, 6(12), 223–239.


Abstract  This research aims to determine, what is the model that allows to explain more precisely the historical behavior of the general index of the stock exchange of Colombia (IGBC), from the period January 1 2008 to May 31-2012? Analyzing this phenomenon from the theoretical perspective of the Dow Jones and the technical analysis and using the methodology of the ARCH family models. It is studied the market volatility, the ARCH, GARCH, EGARCH and PARCH models are compared using traditional evaluation criteria and it`s concluded that the EGARCH (1, 1) model has the best ability to predict. Finally, it is identified like a future line of research, the need for empirically contracting the relevance of measuring the volatility of the IGBC under the guidelines established by the Colombian financial Superintendence for the calculation of market risk.             
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