Technology partners’ identification through social network analysis on patent documents
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Social networks
Patents analysis
Key partner
Academia-Industry Environment.

How to Cite

Angulo-Cuentas, G. L., Charris-Polo, M., & Becerra-Ardila, L. E. (2012). Technology partners’ identification through social network analysis on patent documents. Clío América, 6(12), 203–222.


Abstract This paper presents a methodology based on patents social network analysis for Higher Education Institutions and Research Centres, looking to increase their scientific and technological capabilities through identify strategic partners, they behavior and possible entry barriers to their social networks. This study analysed of 141.348 patents from 1980 to 2011 obtained through a search process at ESPACENET and used TouchgraphNavigator© and UCINET© for supporting the analysis process. Also it was necessary to implement indicators used in patent analysis, social networks and scientometrics. Finally, the study allowed the identification of two potential partners, one in the university environment and other in the business environment.
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