Colombian founder entrepreneur motivations, qualities and values

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Ernesto Barrera-Duque
Juan Guillermo Hoyos-Díez


In this qualitative type of research is established a typology of business founders. It emerged from the iteration between the conceptual framework and the empirical domain, based on semistructured interviews. From the integration of a theory of motivation (extrinsic, intrinsic and contributory) with previous typology works in the field of entrepreneurship, is developed three categories of founders: the “rich”, the “king” and the “Monk”. The latter is the main contribution of this article. It´s proposed the hypothesis that business founders are not outlined in the ends of this classification. Instead, they incorporate features of the three types, at different intensities, and also they may change the predominant category during their life cycle. This article also develops some entrepreneurial founder differential qualities as well as their most important values.


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How to Cite
Barrera-Duque, E., & Hoyos-Díez, J. G. (2012). Colombian founder entrepreneur motivations, qualities and values. Clío América, 6(11), 6–28.
Author Biographies

Ernesto Barrera-Duque, Universidad de La Sabana.

Profesor de Tiempo Completo INALDE Business School, PhD en Administración, Universidad EAFIT. Magíster en Dirección de Empresas, MBA, IESE Business School. Especialista en Economía Internacional, Universidad Externado. Derecho, Universidad Externado. Experiencia en el sector privado y público, así como en el educativo como profesor, investigador y consultor.  

Juan Guillermo Hoyos-Díez, Universidad de La Sabana.

Profesor de Tiempo Completo, Universidad de La Sabana. PhD (c) en Ciencias Empresariales, Universidad Antonio Nebrija. Magíster en Economía, Pontifica Universidad Javeriana. Especialista en Relaciones Laborales, Pontificia UniversidadBolivariana. Especialista en Educación y Asesoría Familiar, Universidad de La Sabana. Economista, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Experienciaen el sector privado y público, así como en el educativo como profesor, investigador y consultor.


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