Organizational climate, job satisfaction and its relationship to job performance among workers of an engineering services SME
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Organizational climate
Job satisfaction
Job performance
Correlational analysis
Small and medium enterprises.

How to Cite

Del Toro-Granados, J., Salazar-Sotter, M. C., & Gómez-Rangel, J. (2011). Organizational climate, job satisfaction and its relationship to job performance among workers of an engineering services SME. Clío América, 5(10), 204–227.


Abstract The organizational climate and job satisfaction are generally assumed as factors incidence on job performance of companies, a notion with developed theoretical and empirical basis, but with few studies aimed at quantifying the expected association. This research presents the diagnosis of organizational climate and job satisfaction of the engineering services company located in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia, along with the determination of the correlation of both factors to work with its employees´ performance. The Perceived organizational climate is rated as positive, while job satisfaction is rated as neutral, both factors individually are positively and significantly correlated with job performance, but the evaluated model which showed a higher correlation is the one that includes both as predictors of performance. It urges future research on organizational climate and job satisfaction to include the incidence of these on the impact on job performance, as it is the performance in its different facets, which is intended to impact with this type of interventions.
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