Argentina and its links with the major powers. Political emancipation and economic dependence.
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Crisorio, C. (2011). Argentina and its links with the major powers. Political emancipation and economic dependence. Clío América, 5(9), 136–147.


During the seventeenth century successive kings of Castile and Aragon had lost part of the political and economic control of its American colonies. This circumstance favored economic and social flourishing of the colonies and the formation of local elites who had some influence in the colonial administration. The situation changed during the eighteenth century with the arrival of the Bourbons 1, which took measures to increase the political and economic control of the metropolis over overseas possessions. The colonial policy of Carlos III, inspired by the enlightened despotism, sought to create change "from above" without changing social relationships 2. The main reforms Bourbon is the creation of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata (1776), which transformed Buenos Aires in the new seat of government. It was made up of the territories of the following countries today: Bolivia (Alto Peru), Paraguay, Uruguay (Eastern Band) and Argentina. One of the main objectives was to stop smuggling in favor of the commercial monopoly of the metropolis, since the distant port of Buenos Aires illegal trade 3 was produced, with the departure of Upper Peruvian precious metals and the entry of slaves and manufactured goods European ingleses4 and Portuguese introduced by May.
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