Analysis of the generation of own income by municipality of Ocaña in the period 2009-2017


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fiscal decentralization; current income; collection; fiscal laziness; fiscal effort.

How to Cite

Sánchez-Becerra, C. A., & Rodríguez, A. M. (2021). Analysis of the generation of Ocaña municipality’s own resources in the period 2009-2017. Clío América, 14(28), 561–571. (Original work published November 20, 2020)


This current research incorporates theoretical elements of fiscal federalism, structures and levels of government, decentralization, information and determination of needs at the local level, and types of local income and expenses. Likewise, it seeks to know how the fiscal decentralization process has been in the municipality of Ocaña from the outlook of the ability to generate its own income based on the income that the Constitution and the law have granted and whose regulations are in the municipal agreement 042 of 2009 "Tax Statute of the Municipality of Ocaña". Likewise, public accounting information is available in the Treasury and Public Information Consolidator (CHIP) and the resolutions of the General Accounting Office of the Nation on the categorization of municipalities. With this information, comparative analysis of the collections and their relative weights to income was carried out, understanding the performance of the municipal finance to manage and collect its own income in the period 2009-2017. It is highlighted that, although tax collection has had a significant growth, its performance is lower than other municipalities with similar population characteristics.
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