The migration process in Russia (1990-2007)
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Disintegration or breakup of the Soviet Union
post-Soviet space
extreme right.

How to Cite

Díaz-Lezcano, E. (2011). The migration process in Russia (1990-2007). Clío América, 5(9), 50–62.


AbstractThe Federal Republic of Russia, major state agency resulting from the breakup of the Soviet Union, was the protagonist of a spectacular migratory movement in its first fifteen years. At first, and almost until the late nineties, Russia was a leading issuer of migrants, but later, due to the progressive improvement of internal instability and the remarkable economic recovery generated by high oil prices, the country became an important receptor, showing a positive migration balance at the end of the first half of this century. In recent years, the giant Eurasian presents migratory patterns similar to those prevailing in the major developed countries and like those countries, it is a scenery of restrictive policies that encourage discrimination and xenophobia and sometimes violence.
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