Adversity Quotient in Sector Media: Radio and Television in Venezuela
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Adversity Quotient
communicational sector
resilient organization.

How to Cite

Prieto, E., & Carrasquero, E. (2010). Adversity Quotient in Sector Media: Radio and Television in Venezuela. Clío América, 4(8), 252–269.


AbstractThis investigation allowed to determine the Adversity Quotient’s communications sector in Maracaibo Municipality, Zulia state, this study was developed under the theoretical basis of Stoltz (2003), Chao (2006), Carrasquero (2006), Schneider (2006). Methodologically the research is conducted under an empiricist-positivist approach, correlational, applied and quantitative, with a nonexperimental trans-descriptive. It consists of a population of 38 radio broadcasting stations frequency modulation (not shared) and nine television stations (not shared) with analysis units 10-7 and 30-20 observation units respectively with a probability sample accidental or incidental. The collection of information is done by observation through surveys, questionnaires, with 56 items with Likert attitude scale and 17 items with dichotomous questions, validated by ten experts in the area. Reliability was calculated for the dichotomous by the Kuder Richardson coefficient and coefficient Lickert Rulon Kr obtained a reliability of = 0.85, rtt = 0.99, respectively. In research presented adversity factors (CPAD) in addition to Adversity Quotient (CA;CPAD) individually and at the ground, which shows that people do not take an interest in adversity, be careful when a misfortune show high values observed in indicators such as control and durability. Moreover, there is a process, things happen and forget, with regard to the coefficient of adversity showed a high variability due to the diversity of values found in each of the executive, leaving it for granted that adversity is individual, varies in each case and each person where it occurs.
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