Economic valuation of mangrove for the carbon storage in the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta
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Mangrove forest
carbon storage
aboveground biomass
carbon dioxide equivalent and economic valuation.

How to Cite

De la Peña, A., Rojas, C. A., & De la Peña, M. (2010). Economic valuation of mangrove for the carbon storage in the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta. Clío América, 4(7), 133–150.


Abstract The Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM) Generate Different Environmental goods and services, for instance, carbon sink, habitat for flora and fauna, stocks of foods and raw materials, etc. This paper presents an attempt to value in monetary terms the service of carbon storage, with the aim to establish inputs for the decisions process of used. This paper presents an Attempt to Terms Monetary value in the service of carbon storage, with the AIM to ESTABLISH Decisions inputs for the process of used. The previous thing was done with base in field sampling of 15 trees of mangrove and in measurements realized in four stations of monitoring of the CGSM (Caño Grande, Rinconada, Aguas Negras y Luna) by INVEMAR (2008). The previous thing WAS done with basis in field sampling of 15 trees of mangrove and in Measurements made on-four stations of monitoring of the CGSM (Caño Grande, Rinconada, Aguas Negras and Moon) by INVEMAR (2008). For such aim, the estimates of total aerial biomass, the existence of carbon and the CO 2 e (equivalent carbon dioxide) were accounted by species and zone in the CGSM. For Such aim, the Estimates of total aerial biomass, the carbon and the Existence of CO 2 e (carbon dioxide equivalent) Were account by species and zone in the CGSM. The results showed that in relative terms the forests of mangrove of the CGSM could store between 6.9 at Luna and 45.7 in Rinconada of t C has- 1 . That results in the relative Eichmann Terms of the mangrove forests of the CGSM Could store at Luna entre 6.9 and 45.7 t C in Rinconada of you-1. The monetary valuation is between US$ 591.41 and 87.76 of t CO 2 e ha-1, according to the prices paid by non permanent forestry CERs paid by the World Bank. The Monetary Valuation is entre U.S. $ 591.41 and 87.76 of t CO 2 e ha-1, According To the Price Paid by Paid non permanent forestry CERs by the World Bank. The monetary valuation contributes to extend the importance of starting a process that allows to incorporate these economic benefits to the actual mechanisms of market that helps the local efforts for conservation. The Monetary Valuation Contribute to extend the Importance of Starting a Process That Allows to Incorporate These Economic Benefits to the current market of Mechanisms That Helps the local going efforts for conservation.
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