International trade between the Pacific Alliance and ASEAN: a comparative analysis


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ASEAN; Exports; Imports; International Trade; Pacific Alliance.

How to Cite

González-Ayala, F. R., & Lechuga-Cardozo, J. I. (2021). International trade between the Pacific Alliance and ASEAN: a comparative analysis. Clío América, 14(28). (Original work published November 20, 2020)


This article aims to show evidence of the behavior of the trade balance, exports, and imports between the Pacific Alliance -PA and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations - ASEAN comparatively, in the period 2002 to 2018. A quantitative, correlational, descriptive, non-experimental and cross-sectional study was defined. The hypotheses that there are significant differences between the average growth of exports, imports and trade balance of the Pacific Alliance and the average growth of exports, imports and trade balance of ASEAN are accepted. On the contrary, the hypothesis that there are no significant (equal) differences between the average growth of exports and imports of the Pacific Alliance and the average growth of exports and imports of ASEAN is rejected. This does not explain the behavior of the balance of payments since there are significant differences between the growth of exports and imports of PA and ASEAN.
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