The social marketing like managerial tool in the inteligents organizations

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Lucía Urdaneta


AbstractThe fundamental purpose of this article is to analyze Social Marketing as a managerial tool in intelligent organizations, based on criteria developed by Senge (2006), Benavides (2001), Siliceo (2001), Perez (2004), among others. A descriptive study of documentary evidence was carried out to study the importance of transforming the current managerial practices in a competitive environment. This has brought about the creation of innovative marketing tools in order to increase market share and positioning, and therefore perform all the necessary activities that an intelligent organization requires to consolidate its entrepreneurial project. 


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How to Cite
Urdaneta, L. (2008). The social marketing like managerial tool in the inteligents organizations. Clío América, 2(4), 294–299.


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