The social responsibility of cultural management as a platform for tourism development in Venezuelan coastal areas

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Cira de Pelekais
Elmar Aldrin Pelekais-Fernandez


The purpose of the study was to analyze the social responsibility of cultural management as a platform for tourism development in coastal areas. The research is evident in the positivist paradigm and is a quantitative, descriptive and field research. The population consisted of 35 managers 5-star hotels are located in the Venezuelan coastal area, carrying out a population census. To collect data was applied an instrument comprised 60 items. The instrument will be calculated content validity, through expert opinion, besides the discriminant validity, reliability through Cronbach Alpha method which yielded 0.96 result. The processing of the results was conducted through a descriptive statistics. The results show that most of the study population has the necessary tools as evidence of social responsibility of cultural management. Also, management guidelines for compliance with it were established.


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How to Cite
de Pelekais, C., & Pelekais-Fernandez , E. A. (2008). The social responsibility of cultural management as a platform for tourism development in Venezuelan coastal areas. Clío América, 2(4), 273–293.


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