Diagnosis of the organizational environment in 2006 of a Company that produces african palm oil in Santa Marta, Colombia
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Organizational Environment

How to Cite

Ceballos-Moreno, K., & Ceballos-Ospino, G. A. (2008). Diagnosis of the organizational environment in 2006 of a Company that produces african palm oil in Santa Marta, Colombia. Clío América, 2(3), 111–121. https://doi.org/10.21676/23897848.357


AbstractBackground: Organizational climate is a management element to which a great importance is attributed in the current business competitiveness, because it comprises the characteristics that fully identify an organization. It embraces the whole working environment, including aspects such as employee perceptions about the company, organizational structure and managerial style.Purpose: The purpose of this research was to determine the Organizational climate of a company of the real sector in Santa Marta in 2006, in order to suggest an improvement plan.Methodology: The type of design used was the transversal descriptive, with a sample of 34 employees, chosen randomly, and whose permission was requested. They were informed about the objective of the study and the low risk involved. Participation was totally voluntary and anonymity was guaranteed. The instrument of measurement of the organizational climate of Colombian companies was used (IMCOC).Results: The average of all the variables was 4.99, which means that the organizational climate of the company is in the weakness range. One of the variables that most influences the average is Decision-making, which got 3.33 as the minimum score and the target variable with maximum score (5.61). The scores for the other variables were: Control (5.56), Interpersonal relationships (5.48), Leadership (5.39), Motivation (5.00), and Cooperation (4.59).Conclusions: The main conclusion is that the organizational climate of the company is not very good, for it is in the upper weakness range. The results also point to the concluding that the managerial style is autocratic.
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