The business sector of Magdalena, Colombia a glance at history in search of an explanation of the present
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Business development
trading activity
competitive advantages

How to Cite

García-Vargas, O. H. (2008). The business sector of Magdalena, Colombia a glance at history in search of an explanation of the present. Clío América, 2(3), 89–98.


AbstractBased on some historical events that have marked the Magdalena region, this article pretends to point out some aspects of reflection that may allow the confrontation between history and the present day, in order to understand how the entrepreneurial dynamics at a certain historical moment of the region constituted an important axis of development, a situation that has never been reached again, with the negative consequences this implies.The article is divided in four sections: the first one includes what has been called the starting point; the second one makes a historical balance of the entrepreneurs who played a leading role in the entrepreneurial dynamics of the region, in order to continue in the next section called Exodus, with a search for the historical factors that lead to their departure from the region; in the last section some conclusions are offered to open the discussion about what the region used to be from an entrepreneurial point of view, and what it currently is.
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